# Discord Regex Monitor Config should be renamed from `config.toml.example` to `config.toml` ### Notice This setting should be enabled for the bot in the discord developer panel for it to function. ![](https://hedgedoc.directme.in/uploads/25ae754f-3624-4293-a517-ca589d85707f.png) ### Example Config ```toml [DISCORD] BOT_TOKEN = "" [[SERVERS]] SERVER_ID = "1050204101826334999" OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ID = "1250585834726621999" PREFIX_ENABLED = true SERVER_ID_ENABLED = false CHANNEL_ID_ENABLED = true MESSAGE_LINK_ENABLED = false [SERVERS.COIN_REGEXES] Bitcoin = "[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}" Ethereum = "0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}" [SERVERS.CHANNEL_BLACKLIST] CHANNELS = ["1250537334550827078"] [[SERVERS]] SERVER_ID = "1250885747062345999" OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ID = "1250585834726621999" PREFIX_ENABLED = false SERVER_ID_ENABLED = false CHANNEL_ID_ENABLED = true MESSAGE_LINK_ENABLED = false [SERVERS.COIN_REGEXES] Ethereum = "0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}" Solana = "[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{32,44}" [SERVERS.CHANNEL_BLACKLIST] CHANNELS = [] ``` ### Explaination ```toml [DISCORD] BOT_TOKEN = "" [[SERVERS]] # ID of the server in which all the channels should be monitored SERVER_ID = "1050204101826334999" # Channel where everything should be send to OUTPUT_CHANNEL_ID = "1250585834726621999" # Wether to show the coin prefix or not PREFIX_ENABLED = true # Display name of server a message has been send in SERVER_ID_ENABLED = false # Display clickable channel object of server a message has been send in CHANNEL_ID_ENABLED = true # Provides a link to the message where the regex has been matched MESSAGE_LINK_ENABLED = false [SERVERS.COIN_REGEXES] # Prefix = Regex pair of the coin(s) to be matched; can theoretically be used for other stuff Bitcoin = "[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}" Ethereum = "0x[a-fA-F0-9]{40}" [SERVERS.CHANNEL_BLACKLIST] # IDs of the channels that should NOT be monitored CHANNELS = ["1250537334550827078"] ```