import { Client, Guild, Permissions } from 'discord.js-selfbot-v13'; import fs from 'fs'; class InfoClient extends Client { public token: string; public constructor(token: string) { super(); this.token = token; this.init(); } private async init(): Promise { this.once('ready', () => this.onReady()); await this.login(this.token); } private onReady(): void { console.log(`Logged in as ${this.user?.tag}!`); const guildData: { [key: string]: { [key: string]: { channels: string[], permissions: string[] } } } = {}; this.guilds.cache.forEach((guild: Guild) => { const guildInfo: { [key: string]: { channels: string[], permissions: string[] } } = {}; console.log(`Guild: ${}`); guild.channels.cache.forEach(channel => { if (channel.type !== 'GUILD_CATEGORY') { const categoryName = channel.parent?.name || 'Uncategorized'; const categoryID = channel.parent?.id || 'Uncategorized'; if (!guildInfo[categoryName]) { guildInfo[categoryName] = { channels: [], permissions: [] }; } let access = 'unknown'; if (channel.permissionsFor(this.user!)?.has(Permissions.FLAGS.VIEW_CHANNEL)) { access = 'ACCESS'; } else { access = 'NO_ACCESS'; } guildInfo[categoryName].channels.push(`${} (${access} ${channel.type} ${})`); } }); guildData[] = guildInfo; }); const filename = `output/${this.user?.tag} ${this.token.slice(-5)}.json`; const jsonData = JSON.stringify(guildData, null, 2); fs.writeFileSync(filename, jsonData); console.log(`Data saved to ${filename}`); } } async function createInfoClientsFromFile(filePath: string): Promise { try { const tokens = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf-8').split('\n').map(token => token.trim()); const clientPromises = token => { if (token) { const client = new InfoClient(token); await client.login(token); console.log(`Logged in with token: ${token}`); } }); await Promise.all(clientPromises); console.log("All clients logged in successfully."); process.exit(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error creating InfoClients:', error); process.exit(1); } } const tokensFilePath = 'tokens.txt'; createInfoClientsFromFile(tokensFilePath).catch(err => { console.error('Error creating InfoClients:', err); });